Code of conduct
Certified Club Sites must comply with written terms and conditions expressly attached to any certificate issued and must in all cases;
Ensure that the site is used SOLELY by existing / registered Club Members for camping and associated recreational purposes only.
Provide and maintain high quality facilities appropriate to the expectations of The Club and its membership. This includes in all cases:
Provision of safe drinking water.
Sanitary ablution facilities, It is expected that all sites should strive to far exceed the expectations of 'basic' campsite facilities - our members expect quality and should be expected to have high standards!
Ensure that no 'development' is undertaken on site without either deemed planning consent, a lawful development certificate or planning permission confirmed and in place.
In the case of tented and touring pitches - ensure that the 6m spacing rule is rigorously enforced
Ensure that no nuisance arises from the site; Nor should the operator allow activities to occur that may adversely affect neighbours - even if not technically a 'statutory nuisance'
Ensure that only subscribed Club Members are permitted to stay on site.
Obtain and retain a record of each Member that stays - with details of their name, address, duration of stay and membership number.
Keep records - which must be made available for inspection by The Club on request at any time - and should be made available for inspection by the Local Authority (with proper notice)
Provide visitor records annually - in the prescribed format to the Club Secretary - or, preferably, on a 'per stay' basis - via The Club's online management system.
Not permit more than 5 'caravans' to be sited on the land at any one time (this includes touring caravans or motorhomes that members use for accommodation purposes);
In addition, no site shall allow more than 10 tents to be sited at any given time - unless expressly authorised in writing by The Club
Not permit the storage of privately owned touring caravans on 'the land'
Ensure that caravans are removed from the site when not in use (i.e. when the site is closed for business for more than 28 days).
Prevent any person (Member) from staying on site for more than 28 consecutive nights.
Not permit any person (Member) to stay on site for more than 52 days in any calendar year
Provide safe access to wood-fire facilities for all members, at all times during their stay;
A single camp-fire style hearth - accessible to all visitors simultaneously, or;
Provide and / or ensure plentiful access to a sustainable source of appropriate wood-fuel and kindling - on or near to the site - which guests can purchase at a reasonable price.
Shall not unreasonably prevent members from bringing commercially produced fuel / kindling from elsewhere. But sites may determine what type of materials are to be allowed... (e.g., no waste wood to be brought to site, no burning of Ash / Larch, etc.)
Provide and maintain access to plentiful water and suitable firefighting / safety equipment
To establish (and enforce) a site wide 'no fire' policy in case of heightened risk (drought etc).
If applicable - to prepare and maintain a flood plan - see: www.gov.uk/guidance/camping-and-caravan-sites-minimise-your-flood-risk
Ensure measures are taken to prevent harm to the environment - ideally implementing a plan for environmental enhancement
Take out and maintain Public Liability Insurance covering all activities on site (and provide evidence of such insurance immediately on request)
Provide water, electrical and HETAS test certificates where applicable;
Notify The Club of any matter that might affect the way in which the site is operated, including changes of address, proposed changes of ownership, alterations or addition to facilities.
Certificated Club Site member should be an active ambassador of the Club and so warrants not doing anything that might bring The Club, The Site, any other site or Club Members into disrepute (individually or as a whole).
Site operators should also make provision for educating members in the skills of building, managing and extinguishing fires (on request - or where assistance is clearly needed!).
In addition to settling the relevant fees in advance, to obtain and retain Affiliate Site status, the relevant site manager / occupier must;
Ensure that their site holds, retains and complies with the necessary planning and licensing permissions needed to lawfully operate the site.
Provide and maintain high quality facilities appropriate to the expectations of The Club and its membership. This includes in all cases: provision of safe drinking water, on-site ablution facilities (with plentiful hot water on tap) and sanitary WC's.
(Note: it is expected that Affiliate sites should also strive to exceed 'basic' campsite facilities). -
Ensure that facilities are maintained in a safe and sanitary manner AT ALL TIMES.
Ensure that no statutory nuisance(s) arise from the site.
- Nor should the operator allow activities to occur that may adversely impact neighbours - even if not technically a 'statutory nuisance'. -
Provide safe access to wood-fire facilities for all visitors, at all times during their stay;
This must be a minimum of:
A single camp-fire style hearth - accessible to all visitors simultaneously, or;
An individual wood-fire hearth (or similar facility) for each individual 'pitch' (which may include fire pits or other fire styles - provided that these are suitable for cooking purposes)
Charcoal BBQ's, Gas fires, Pizza-ovens, other non-wood or 'imitation' fires do not qualify as 'wood fires'.
Provide and / or ensure plentiful access to a sustainable source of appropriate wood-fuel and kindling - on or near to the site - which guests can purchase at a reasonable price.
Take out and maintain Public Liability Insurance covering all activities on site (and provide evidence of such insurance immediately on request)
Ensure that water, electrical and HETAS test certificates are available for inspection, where applicable.
Site managers should also make provision on site for educating members in the skills of building, managing and extinguishing fires (on request - or where assistance is needed).
Finally, Affiliated Site members are requested to behave as promotors of the Club - and should encourage non-members to join. Equally, Affiliate Members warrant not doing anything that might bring The Club or its Members into disrepute.
All certified members should be able to clear the land area of any tents or caravans and return the land to the condition it was in prior to being granted an exemption certificate within 48 hours, any breaches of this may be reported to the relevant planning department.